A Season of Change: Starting College

Elianna’s first ski trip around 1 year of age. Pictured with mom.


Dr. K Bless Friends,

I hope everyone is doing well and adjusting to their new seasons in life.  I will continue to update our Blog community about the Mesquite Heat Fire resilience and progress, but this week’s update is cathartic for me as I prepare to send off my first baby to college.  It’s a more personal post for me, but I am sharing my thoughts as a mother.

By the way, Elianna was also linked to the fire in that her “mini mansion,” which her grandmother intended for her to visit during college in Abilene, was one of the very few structures that did not burn during the fire.  God had better plans for it, and we are thankful that it was spared for my mom.


Please stay tuned for additional updates.




Dear Elianna,

I don’t know where the time has rushed off to. It has been a blink of an eye from bringing you home from the hospital to preparing to drop you off at college.

I did not have instructions about how to care for you when we first brought you home.  In fact, we had the first parent (and grandparent) fail when we took you to your first check-up and forgot your diaper bag.  Yes, MaeMae was with us and forgot about it too.  Lol.

I am forever grateful to be your Mama. You made me a mother, and it has been the VERY best job of my entire life. It has also been the hardest job, and you will understand that concept better someday. Being a mother has been the most rewarding job, though.


You are well-prepared to spread your wings and fly.  I (and Dad) have prepared you for this time in your life.  I think you have, after all been “40” for most of your 18 year-life.

You are authentically beautiful inside and outside. Know that we all love you so much.

You have been a bright ray of Sonshine in our home. I say that because the love of Jesus shines brightly through you and in you. He always has.


Shopping at Cracker Barrel- one of her first recorded shopping sprees.

I am thankful for your sweet and nurturing spirit. You take care of everyone around you. I am so proud of you. You have a kind heart. You never hold a grudge. You are a peacemaker. You are generous. You are kind and loving.

Please do not mistake my tears for sadness. It’s much deeper than that. These deep emotions are woven in joy, thankfulness, pride, and yes, tears for this new stage in life.

I am painfully aware that not every child gets to grow up into a young person. I am also aware that not every parent gets to be here to celebrate this momentous occasion. For that, I am thankful that we stand at this threshold.



Senior photos- always remembers those special touches- like pink shoes. Photo courtesy of LaRae Russell.

Along this journey, we have practiced for this time. We have practiced by saying goodbye for camp, weekends with grandparents, mission trips, and retreats.  I know you’re not moving to the ends of the earth, but how we will all miss you waking up in the morning with your cheerful smile.

Thank you for being the Wonderful you that you are.


You are strong and equipped for this next stage in life. Always remember that God has great plans for you. Never settle for good enough.  Always remember that God’s plan is to prosper you, not to harm you he has plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29: 11).


Graduation. Photo courtesy of Jeanie Slate.


I am always here for you.


Our home is always your home, and you’re always welcome to return no matter short or how long.


I am forever grateful for you. My heart is wrapped up in memories of gratitude.


I love you so much,


Love Mama




Be Blessed,


Dr. K




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