Blueprints and Dirt

Mesquite Heat fire raging through the valley. Photo taken by unknown source.


I recently opened my mother’s contact information to call her.  I was alarmed to realize that I still had her home phone number listed as her main contact.  Unfortunately, her home phone belonged to a home that burned to the ground.   Even though that home and landline no longer exist, I still don’t have the heart to delete that contact.

Nevertheless, it has been approximately 2 months since the Mesquite Heat fire devastated Hidden Valley and the surrounding View community. It is still a miracle to comprehend that in spite of an 11,000-acre wildfire which burned over 20 structures, amazingly there was no loss of human life.

Angels were indeed surrounding the community and protecting our loved ones and friends.  Even though many lost homes and structures, we can still see the small miracles that occurred and know that the angels encamped around them.  For example, my mother is not usually home from work until later in the evening, but she happened to make it home early that fateful day.  They began evacuating around 5- ish, and without her home, I know it would have been tremendously difficult for JB to evacuate all of the dogs without her help. By the way, he was incredibly thankful that the deputies also helped him load the dogs in his car.  My mother later told me that if the deputies would not been so fast on their feet and evacuated the neighborhood when they did, the relatives would be attending funerals for all of the families.  Time and action were of the essence and made a life-saving difference.

The residents and families are thankful for the fast-acting deputies and firefighters. Their families are wholeheartedly thankful for the leadership of Sheriff Ricky Bishop, his deputies, firefighters, and the countless volunteers.  According to a recent update from the Community Foundation, six deputies were honored for their heroic work in the evacuation of the Mesquite Heat fire in the View community. Those brave deputies were the first to head straight into danger and safely evacuated multiple families.

The deputies were:

Deputy Anthony Casey

Deputy Kevin Waddle

Deputy Shane Gladden

Detective Melissa Gladded

Lieutenant Jay Jones

They were issued recognition and awarded for “going beyond the call of duty.”  The deputies and firefighters’ professionalism and acts of service are a testament to their professions.  We are all truly thankful for their servants’ hearts and desire to protect and serve the community.

I realize so many of you enjoy reading this Blog to keep up with the progress of our loved ones and friends. So, what are the residents doing these days?  I recently visited my parents, and they were “looking at Blueprints and dirt” with Kay Richards, neighbor and friend. They have great expectation and optimism about rebuilding on their land.

There is still a lot of dirt and soot everywhere.  Recent rains, which we are grateful for, have exposed the erosion under the tree branches and roots.  Despite the rain, it is very dry and dusty.  However, they are resilient and hopeful.  They are excited as they review blueprints and make new updates for the future.

Recent rains in Hidden Valley. Photo courtesy of P Merritt.

Also, they have been blessed by their neighbors and friends.  Kay Richards and Barbara Pinkston have been demonstrating the hands and feet of Jesus in the valley.  They would not desire any credit or mention of this, but they have done so much for the fire victims, that we would be remiss not to honor their love and support.  They have been working along-side my parents and their neighbors helping with the fire recovery.  Kay has also been instrumental in helping to advise on those Blueprints.

Also, a special gift was made when Kay and Barbara delivered a washing machine to the community.  Some of the neighbors are camping on the land (RVs), so when Kay found out that they did not have a way to wash their clothes, she secured the resources.  So, it is safe to say that they have been making lemonade out of lemons lately.  JB has opened up his carport area for washing neighbors’ clothes, and I even heard he has his own space for, “JB’s Laundry and Alterations.”  The name and business plan are a work in progress, but I expect to hear great things.




Pictured from left to right, JB Merritt, Kay Richards, and Cory Gauge. They are enjoying JB’s new outdoor laundromat.

Thank you all for joining us in this process of rebuilding.  Our family and friends have exhibited such resilience and faith, and we are encouraged to see the love and support of new friends and deepened relationships in the community.

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“Every good and perfect gift is from Above.”
James 1:17

Be Blessed,

Dr. K

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