My Resilient Rowdy

Rowdy after Recovery for Surgery from IVDD in October 2021


A story of Resilience!

Veering off of my usual Blog topics, I am diving into a tumultuous experience from approximately one year ago.

Some owners of short-legged and long-bodied dogs are well-acquainted with IVDD (intervertebral disc disease), but I was not informed or prepared for the emotional roller coaster of my pet’s injury and disability.

When Rowdy did what typical precocious dachshunds do- jumped off of the furniture, he injured his spine and progressively became paralyzed.  Seeing him drag his lower body was heart-wrenching, and I was a mess.

I never posted about it on social media, and only a few people new about his paralysis.

We are nearing the one-year anniversary of Rowdy’s medical journey, and I am finally ready to delve into our journey.    I know that seems a little strange that it would take me a year to broach a subject about my pet. After all, I have tackled some very traumatic topics, such as a major natural disaster and fire which burned down my parents’ home and land (along with approximately 11, 000 acres and neighbors’ homes and structures).

However, exciting news- I am not only going to shed some light on his medical journey but am also announcing my new children’s book publication, “Resilient Rowdy.”

Please click on Link:


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Rowdy- back shaved from spine surgery. October 2021



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