New Life Emerges from the Ashes

Dr. Pearl Merritt hugs her new puppy, Poppy Ann.  



As we embark upon a glorious new fall season, not only are the leaves changing into beautiful hints of orange and crimson, but new life is also emerging. The cooler temperatures have not only made way for hope and expectation (that we survived the hottest July), but a recent journey to Hidden Valley revealed that the people, land, and community are rebounding with amazing resilience.


New growth on a scorched hill in Hidden Valley.

As many of you know, the Mesquite Heat fire devastated the View community almost four months ago. My mother, Dr. Pearl Merritt, made national news when she described the fire that burned down her home, but she was able to save her Mother’s Bible.  It was a heart-warming interview, and our friends and family later told us saw the interview in Oklahoma and various other states. Her sweet baby, Gracie, also became a national celebrity when she was featured on several interviews.  She was by her side through the entire ordeal, and as they waited to return to their land, Gracie slept in the car and at the View Baptist Church, eagerly awaiting return home.  

Gracie, one of the most beloved Basset Hounds in our family.

Unfortunately, after the fire, Gracie’s declining health accelerated. She stopped eating and drinking, and she became, barely able to walk.  Ultimately, I do believe the trauma of the fire hastened her death. She passed away about a week after the fire. It was such a loss for all of us. As a typical Basset hound, she was a friend to everyone, and she was the sweetest companion for my mom. We were thankful she was by my mom’s side that first difficult week after the fire.   Also, we were thankful to picture Gracie running into Heaven, looking for Nana, who she adored.  We are encouraged that someday, we will see Gracie, and she will greet us at the Pearly Gates.  

As we know, life is full of unexpected challenges, changes, and seasons. Life presents us with so many opportunities.  Some people can become bitter or stagnant about the difficulties life throws at them, but others choose to pick up the pieces and continue to move forward.  I have seen my family in the Hidden Valley Community continue to clean, pick up, and look to the next season with hope and expectation.  I was even blessed to see that a family has recently started helping them with clean-up.  They are a family of nine children, and the children work with their father to provide community service.  I am not divulging their names without permission, but perhaps they will let me feature them at some point in the future.  


So, the most recent development has been the addition of new life in the Valley.  Our pets are connected so intricately to our hearts and lives that it is often difficult to open our hearts to a new pet after a tremendous loss.  So, I have been putting on some pressure- sorry- not sorry- LOL to encourage my mother to open her home to a new puppy.  I tracked down and delivered the most perfect puppy….  Poppy Ann!

Hanna surprises Pearl with the unveiling of Poppy Ann.



Welcome Poppy, the newest Basset Hound puppy to Hidden Valley.  

We often think of Spring as the Season when new growth peeps its head out to life, but this Fall is a season of New Beginnings and New Growth, for a community that has been impacted by a devastating fire.  The fire has not defined the people and land, but it is the Resilience, new growth, new relationships, and faith that have defined their lives.

Every day is a new Beginning.  It is a day to make a choice to start over, make better decisions, or chose the life you want.  Even when a fire has burned nearly everything to the ground, New Life springs from the ashes.  


Acts 14:17 

“Yet He has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from Heaven and crops in their Season; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with Joy.”




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Be Blessed, 

Dr. K


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